SharePoint MOSS 2007: Creating a new Site Collection - Web Publishing Site with Anonymous Access

1 minute read

This assumes MOSS 2007 has already been installed on your server and you have access to the administrator account on the server. All these steps can be performed at the server desktop.

  1. login to the central administrator

  2. Create a new Application. The application holds high level information about the database to use for site content, the search provider to use, etc.

    1. Application Management->Create or Extend Web application

    2. Create a new Web application.

      1. Set the Port to a value of 80

      2. Use a Host Header. You will need to take extra steps to setup DNS to point the host header name used here to this server's ip address.

      3. Allow Anonymous Access

      4. Create New application pool (use the default name)

      5. Set the application pool security to use the "Network Service" predefined account.

      6. Configure database settings as necessary. Stick to the default database name.

      7. Pick a valid search server your administrator installed on this server.

      8. Click "OK" to create the new application

      9. When the application has been crated, the confirmation page tells you to run the command "iisreset /noforce". Do that now to complete the new application install.

  3. Create a new Site Collection. The site collection is the actual top level "site", used to mange all site settings, templates, accounts and permissions. Once you create a Site Collection, you will be able to login via the URL defined in the application host header setting.

    1. Application Management -> Create Site Collection

    2. Title and Description are required. These will be used for the top level site.

    3. For our top level site collection, set the url to be "/" so it is the root url for our host header name defined in the application.

    4. Under "Template Selection", click on the "Publishing" tab and choose "Publishing Portal"

    5. Set the primary site collection administrator to the admin account you are currently logged into the server with for the sake of simplicity.

    6. Leave the other defaults as is and click "OK" to generate the new Site Collection.

  4. Login to the site collection and enable anonymous access...again!

    1. bring up the site in your browser, using the host header name from the application setting.

    2. Login as the Site Collection Administrator

    3. Click on "Enable Anonymous Access" from the default Site Collection home page.

    4. Check the "Entire Web Site" option and hit "OK"