Notes On Migrating Oracle 11g Tables to SQL Server 2008R2

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Assuming you have 3 boxes total:
-          Oracle Severs 11g with tables you want to copy
-          A SQL Server 2008 server that allows remote connections via windows auth (password auth should work fine too)
-          A workstation with Oracle 11g client and SQL Server 2008 client

Install Clients on Workstation
-          Install Oracle 11 client
o   Make sure you install the same version of the Oracle client on your workstation that is being used on the Oracle DB server. 
o   Select the Administrator option when you perform the client install. ( The oracle .NET provider and the OLE DB provider are required )
o   After the client install, make sure you update the TNSNAMES file. The import process will use this to make the connection to the oracle server.
-          Install the SQL Server 2008 management tools including the SSIS option (the SSIS part might not be required)

Run the SQL Server 2008R2 import/export tool